Team GMGHSS #Day 5

The final day of school induction became so special for me. Today I got an invigilation duty at 10 D from 10 am to 11.15am. It was good watching the pupils writing the exam. 
At 11.50 am I took a physics class on the chapter wave motion in grade 9 D. Firstly I interacted with the children and slowly entered to the subject. I used slinky and tunning fork to explain the concept of waves and the children was so curious to observe this small apparatus taken from the lab. The active participation of the children were evident and they asked doubts. After taking the session I asked questions and felt proud seeing their responses. I was thinking how keenly they are listening the teacher and absorb the things so fast. The answers were coming from the unexpected children which made me wonder. After that class, I understood the purpose of my life and why I should do B.Ed. It was a proud moment and a great experience being a teacher. Afternoon got an opportunity to attend Cineja Ma'am chemistry class in grade 8 E and there also we observed active participation of the students. The teacher is so hardworking.

                                 (Grade 9D)

                  (Slinky and tunning fork)

                          (with Cineja Teacher)

      (with principal Anithakumari ma'am)

  (with Senior Assistant Minimol Ma'am)

Well these five days was extremely awesome which helps me to understand my purpose in life and merciful to interact with such a beautiful school , work harding and punctual teachers and  active students. It was an unforgettable experience of my life. 


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