Education is the mother of leadership


Dr. George Thomas sir gave us an idea regarding how to prepare a health chart. 
The health chart should contain the following things as shown below.


 Dona ma'am taught us about the behaviourist approach put forward by father of behaviourism John. B Watson.

 It's a theory of learning which says that the behaviours are learned through interaction with environment based on a process called classical conditioning. Conditioning means modification of the relation between a natural stimulus and it's natural response. Learning is conditioned by stimulus and response. And discussed about the educational implications of conditioning like it can help teachers to develop desirable habits, interests and attitudes in children.

Then ma'am taught us about Thorndike's laws of learning which tells us that learning is an association between stimulus and response. And discussed about Skinners operant conditioning theory which is a modified extension stimulus response propounded by Palvov. The term operant conveys that behaviour operates upon the environment to generate its own consequences. The key elements in Skinners theory are reward, punishment and reinforcement
 After the session  Dr. Neena ma'am posed a question  that ,as teacher what would you prefer  ( positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment or negative punishment)? And the anwers were given by the student teachers in whatsapp group. 


Today our respected principal Dr.K.Y Benedict sir taught us about phases of teaching. It mainly consists of 3 phases- pre-active phase, interactive phase and post-active phase. 

Pre-active phase is the preparatory time which involves organisation of learning lessons, creating class room environment, enabling software access, checking entry behaviour and so on. Pre-active phase is important to decide the performance of a teacher.

Interactive phase is an active session which gives realisation about the pre-active phase.  

Post active phase is the reflection section held immediately after the class. It mainly includes self reflection, verbal feedback, self assessment, interogation and analysing how the performance of the teacher impacted on pupils. 
Basic teaching model developed by Glazer explains the relation between teaching and learning. This can be classified as entry behaviour, interaction process, terminal behaviour and feedback.
Entry behaviour is the sum total of attitude, knowledge, interest, talents, skills, values, competency processed by the learning. 
Interaction process  add new informations to his current knowledge and enlighten the minds of the pupil with new thoughts.
Terminal behaviour is the sum total of knowledge , skills , interest at the end of the closing section.

Learning is nothing but modification of behaviour.


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