
SET Qualified

Thank God !  "I strongly believe if you work hard, whatever you want, it will come to you".

Innovative model

  The innovative model is based on the chapter on the chapter Structure of Atom in Chemistry. When we read text book it is understood that the experiments are slightly or not mentioned. So my objective was to include those experiments in the model. The model is named as 'el atomo' , in Spanish it means the atom. It highlights the miniature models of experiments such as Dalton atomic theory, J J Thomson atomic model, Rutherford alpha particle scattering and Bohr model of atom. Also the model includes activities such as word search, puzzles, mystery box and electronic configuration.

St.Marys Week 9

It embarks the last week of a trainee teacher with lot of memories. I'm at cloud nine cherishing the good moments with my students and teachers. As a teacher I was able to improve from my last phase of teaching. I take a moment to thank my concern teachers Axina ma'am and Susan ma'am for their support during my hardships. They supported me , guided me and made suggestions to enhance my teaching skills. Also I'm thankful to my optional teachers and general teachers for their valuable comments throughout my journey of teaching phase. And last but not the least my peers for helping me when I was in troubles. I bid farewell to my students. Highlights of the week... A debate was conducted as part of Hiroshima Day.... A test was conducted based on Visual spatial intelligence as part of my B.Ed project... Helped Lissie teacher to set the practicals... Paintings of my students ... ...

St.Marys Week 8

Teaching students is a dynamic and rewarding process that involves knowledge sharing, facilitating learning and supporting the development of skills and understanding. This week was such a wonderful journey to my voyage. It gave insight to the teaching skills to be followed. Even the gestures and words of a teacher matters in a student's life. So we need to be careful when conveying an information to them because they consider us as their ideals.  Highlights of the week... Aishwarya teacher who is the state winner of YIP gave an orientation program for the high school students on INSPIRE ideation. It is an initiative to foster a culture of innovation and creative thinking among school students to address the societal need through Science and Technology. The objective is to attract talent, have them exposed to science at an early age (10-15 years or standard 6-10) and help towards building a critical human resource pool for strengthening and expan...

Ktet Qualified

Thank God! "A lot of hard work is hidden behind nice things.” – Ralph Lauren

St.Marys Week 7

I have to say that this is the seventh week I'm teaching in a government management school like St.Marys HSS which can be a rewarding and unique experience for me. The school provides opportunity to be part of an institution that emphasizes equal access to education for all students, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. This creates a diverse classroom environment, which fosters cultural exchange, learning from different perspectives, and celebrating the richness of diversity. This school typically have a strong support system in place for both teachers and students. As a student teacher, I may have access to resources to enhance my teaching skills and keep up with the latest methodologies. This supportive environment encourages continuous growth and improvement, benefiting both the teachers and their students. It's an opportunity to shape and inspire young minds, instill values, and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel aca...